
Yahui GAO

Post on: 2016-05-24Source: Hits:

Yahui GAO, Ph.D.


Tel: +86-592-2181386




1984, B.Sc., Xiamen University;

1987, M.Sc., Xiamen University;

1990, Ph.D., Xiamen University.

Professional Experience

1996-1998, Postdoctoral fellow, Tokyo Gagugei University;

1999-2003, Vice dean, School of Life Sciences, and dean, Cancer Research Center, Xiamen University;

1999-Present, Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University.

Research Area

Our researches focus on diatom biology and use of marine algae. We have been studying taxonomy and biodiversity of diatoms and have found 15 new species of diatoms and 150 new record species in China in recent years. More recently, we studied regulation mechanism of valve deformation, programmed cell death, biosilicification, urea cycle, and toxin production of diatom cells, as well as ecology and molecular mechanism of phytoplankton response to environmental changes. We have established a database and automatic recognition system of common phytoplankton species in China. Moreover, we studied use of microalgae as resources of fishery diet, biofuel, nano-material and bioactive products.

Selected Publications

1. Cheng ZD, Gao YH (Editors in chief), Liu SC, Wang DZ, Chen CP, Liang JR, Qi YZ.Flora algarum marinarum sinicarum, Tomus V.Bacillariophyta, No. II Pennatae I, Diatomales, Achnanthales, Phaeodactylales, Eunotiales. Beijing: Science Press, 137pp,35pls, 2012.

2. Liang JR*, Ai XX, Gao YH, Chen CP. MALDI-TOF MS analysis of the extracellular polysaccharides released by the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Journal of Applied Phycology, 25(2): 477~484, 2012.

3. Gao YH, Luo QQ, Chen CP, Luo JH, Liang JR, Yang CH. A novel position method for round algal cells in microscopic images. Patent No. ZL200910112618.6, State Intellectual Property Office, 2011.

4. Chen CP, Gao YH*, Lin P. Geographical and seasonal patterns of epiphytic diatoms on a subtropical mangrove (Kandelia candel) in southern China. Ecological Indicators, 10: 143-147, 2010.

5. Chen CP, Sun L, Gao YH *,Zhou QQ, Zheng MH, Li BQ, Yu Y, Lu DD. Seasonal changes of viable diatom resting stages in bottom sediments of Xiamen Bay, China. Journal of Sea Research, 61: 125-132, 2009.

6. Li Y, Gao YH *,Lv SH. First report of Protokeelia spinifera and Rhopalodia iriomotensis from China, with comments on their systemic positions. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47: 173-178, 2009